Newsletter 31 Lipiec 2024

Dyrektywa SUP weszła w życie z dniem 03 Lipca 2024!

Od 03 lipca 2024 roku w Unii Europejskiej weszło w życie rozporządzenie dotyczące zamknięć pojemników na napoje. Dotyczy ono obowiązku dołączania plastikowej zakrętki lub wieczka do jednorazowych opakowań na napoje o pojemności 3 litrów i mniejszych.

Regulacja ta jest częścią wdrażanej dyrektywy SUP – Single Use Plastic Directive, której celem jest ograniczenie zużycia plastiku i zwiększenie poziomu jego recyklingu.

Zakrętki dołączane do opakowań mają być w całości poddawane recyklingowi, a surowiec odzyskiwany, dzięki czemu w mniejszym stopniu zanieczyszczać będzie środowisko.

Czy wszyscy są na to gotowi? My jesteśmy odpowiednio przygotowani by spełnić unijną regulacje! Skontaktuj się z nami, aby uzyskać więcej informacji!

BIBP jest gotowy z nowym rozwiązaniem dla regulacji SUP!




BIBP ma rozwiązanie! Jak to wygląda w praktyce!

  • Rozwiązanie bazujące na standardowej geometrii kranu
  • Intuicyjne otwieranie i odprowadzenie plomby
  • Brak zmian w ustawieniach chwytaków nalewarki
  • Rozwiązanie dostępne „od ręki”
  • Szybki termin realizacji worków
  • Dostępny w standardowych kolorach
  • Stabilna cena i dostępność





Akcja Rekrutacja!

Firma BIBP w związku z dynamicznym rozwojem oraz poszerzeniem asortymentu oferowanych produktów i procesów poszukuje specjalistów, którzy swoją wiedzą, doświadczeniem i zaangażowaniem zasilą nasz zespół.

Poszukujemy ekspertów z różnych dziedzin, gotowych na nowe wyzwania i pragnących rozwijać się w środowisku, które ceni innowacyjność i kreatywność.

BIBP to nie tylko miejsce pracy – to społeczność, w której każdy pracownik ma realny wpływ na rozwój firmy i jej produktów.

Nie czekaj – zostań częścią zespołu BIBP i współtwórz z nami przyszłość pełną możliwości i innowacji! 

lub  zapraszamy do kontaktu z Działem Administracji

+48 504 580 808.


Newsletter 30 September 2023

1) Boy’s Day at BIBP 2023



2) Strategic training

Another training is behind us – this time a 3-day, external training. Its main goal was strategic thinking, searching and finding solutions and making optimal decisions in the business environment.

We were helped with this by „Poznań Fortress“ – a strategic simulation prepared for training purposes. Simulation participants, during a specially designed 3-hour session, learn how to define and implement strategies and practical cooperation, ask for and provide support, assess risk, identify the main threat, cooperation between sales and service. They learn in practice the advantages and disadvantages of introducing innovations.

We believe that such training will take place periodically!



3) Modernization and development is our middle name

Our second plant in Poland, located in Wadowice, is constantly being modernized. Both the conference, office and warehouse areas are undergoing dynamic improvements. Thanks to this, the comfort of work will be at an even higher level than before!




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Newsletter 31 August 2023

1) We welcome our new colleague on board BIBP



It is with great pleasure that we present to you our new Sales Manager for the Northern European market – Georgii Meskhiia. We wish you a lot of success, good luck and job satisfaction.

“I am delighted to join the BIBP team as a development manager for Northern Europe and the UK.”

Georgii Meskhiia




2) We are constantly training

We want to constantly develop and expand our knowledge. Therefore, external and internal training is already a standard in our company.

This time we were training with „Functional Packaging“ which was conducted by our colleague –                                dr Michał Szalonek. 







3) Something New is Coming




We were recently visited by two very talented gentlemen

who started to set up with full enthusiasm 🙂


What do you think we are creating for you?









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Newsletter 31 July 2023

1) The Holiday Season


On the occasion of the ongoing holiday season, we wish you to enjoy every sunny day and every adventure you experience.

Have fun lazing around in home gardens, on golden beaches, in the mountains and by the lakes.



Have a nice and safe holiday! 🙂



2) CIBUS TEC in October



We would like to inform you that the fair season is not over with us 🙂

In October you will see us in Italy at the CIBUS TEC fair.

With an 80-year history of passion for pioneering solutions, Cibus Tec is one of the most innovative food and beverage technology exhibitions.

So mark your calendars for October 24-27.


3) New Skin Generation


We would like to remind you about our innovative product from the New Skin Generation group, which perfectly protects the product against UV-VIS light.

What’s more?

  • Tested under aseptic filling and hot filling conditions
  • 100% recyclable foil
  • 1:1 equivalent of MET-PET film
  • Reduced thickness while maintaining strength
  • Low OTR barrier film
  • A wide range of formats from 3l to 220l





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Newsletter 30 June 2023

1) Safetyfill – another foreign expansion

In the first quarter of 2023, the BIBP Group took over the assets of Safetyfill from Great Britain, which produced plastic elements.

The BIBP Group decided to move the machine park from England to its factory in Poland, in Zator, and start production from the second quarter of 2023. Thus, Safetyfill ended its activity in this area.

“Another acquisition is behind us, which fits perfectly into the strategy of continuous development in the spirit of “together into the green future”. We are sure that this new experience will make us even more complex than before. We sail into wide waters not afraid of challenges.”

Leszek Łysoń CEO

The BIBP Group has been operating for over 9 years, currently managing 3 production plants: in Poland (Zator and Wadowice) and in Spain (Montilla). Thanks to the acquisition of Montibox last year and the purchase of real estate in Wadowice in 2023 (former Badura footwear factory), the total production and warehouse space is now 14,500m2. Our team already consists of over 150 employees, and due to the upcoming recruitment campaign, it will be successively growing.


2) We officially welcome Montibox to the BIBP GROUP




We are pleased to announce that on May 19, 2023, a purchase and sale agreement for the shares of Montibox S.L. was signed.

Thus, Montibox officially goes under the wings of the BIBP Group.

We are incredibly proud that together with our Spanish Team we will develop on the packaging market in line with „together into the green future“.






3) „Together into the green future“



In June, each of our employees received a glass

with a little surprise inside!

It was a symbolic gift on the occasion of signing the

Montibox purchase and sale agreement!









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Newsletter 31 May 2023

1) Interpack & Expoliva is already behind us

Thank you for the opportunity to meet at Interpack and Expoliva! It was an amazing time for us – productive and inspiring. Meetings with you always influence our motivation for further work. Exchanging experiences and strengthening ties with our partners is always an important experience for us.


For our part, BIBP Group assures you that we are not slowing down! We develop for you by treating our products as a value that we want to share with you. We want to achieve our goals together with you, so that we can go together into a green future.


2) Business Excellence Awards

We were awarded the Business Excellence Awards 2023 in the vote of Acquisition International – an international, digital business monthly. This is the 7th edition in which AI rewards the most leading companies from around the world that provide their customers with the best products and services. The BIBP Group was awarded the title of the Most Innovative Packaging Producer 2023 in Europe.




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Newsletter 28 April 2023

1) We are winners of Business Gazelles



We are pleased to announce that our company has been included in the prestigious group of Business Gazelles 2022, the most dynamic Polish enterprises from the SME sector.

Business Gazelles is the oldest, most credible and most popular ranking of small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland. „Puls Biznesu“ has been organizing it continuously since 2000 implementing the mission of supporting entrepreneurship. The ranking is based on the most objective criteria – financial results, and participation in it is free of charge. The presence in the ranking means that the company belongs to the elite of small and medium-sized companies – it is not only dynamically developing, but also transparent.


2) New Skin Generation


We dynamically implement the sustainability strategy, focusing on activities aimed at achieving ecological balance. One of such activities is the successive expansion of the assortment with new innovative products in the area of barrier foils in the New Skin Generation technology.

This time we present to you a barrier foils that can be used 1:1 as an equivalent of MET-PET foil and at the same time is 100% recyclable.

Further advantages? Here you go:

  • Tested under aseptic and hot filling conditions
  • Reduced thickness while maintaining strength
  • UV-VIS protection
  • Low OTR barrier foil
  • A wide range of formats from 3l to 220l






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Newsletter 31 March 2023

1) INTERPACK – the world’s largest packaging industry fair

We are pleased to announce that in May you will be able to meet us at the most important event of the packaging industry – the INTERPACK fair.


The global packaging industry meets in Düsseldorf, where innovations are presented and the most important trends are discussed.

Interpack is a global forerunner of future industry themes. From sustainability to digitization.

The focus is on packaging materials, packaging machinery and related process technology for the food, beverage, confectionery, bakery, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, non-food and industrial goods sectors.

We invite you to visit our stand 🙂

Hall – 7

Stand – 71B29


2) May is the month of trade fairs – EXPOLIVA

Together with our Spanish colleagues, we invite you to the next fair event, which is the EXPOLIVA fair in Jaén, Spain.



The event is dedicated mainly to olive oil producers and aims to promote the promotion and development of both olive groves and the oil itself.

You’re welcome! 🙂


3) We are a member of ABMA!



Another achievement? Here you go:

We have recently become a member of ABMA, the Aseptic Bag Manufacturers Association. What is ABMA?

– ABMA brings together the largest producers

– ABMA focuses on the development of the aseptic market

– ABMA focuses on sustainable development policy

Let us remember that bag in box aseptic packaging compare to other packaging:

– creates less packaging waste

– causes less product wastage

– provides better energy efficiency

– gives less cost of transport

Together into the gren future!


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Newsletter 28 February 2023

1) Enomaq – thank you!














The next fair is behind us 🙂

We would like to thank each of you for participating in this event, for inspiring meetings and interesting conversations.

We are convinced that the time spent together will contribute to meeting the most demanding needs of the market.

See you next time at Interpack!



2) We start with a surprise 🙂



Due to the acquisition of Montibox, we are starting to send a special welcome kit 🙂

Wait for the postman 🙂



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